More Later
readers, I do have readers right? I
promised more on this later so here is my attempt at that. Questions, in a society where to think
outside the box is discouraged, where any ripples in ones outside persona not matching
what passes for, “normal” in main stream population is met with the vigorous
and persistent wrap of a blacksmith’s flatting hammer. How is a youth supposed to flourish and
fertilize any creativity, of the mind and spirit? We are poured into molds that match our culture,
both geologically and ethnically tempered by social acceptance based on the opinions
of one’s peers and elders. To march to
the beat of one’s own drum is frowned upon, makes you a target for bullies, and
generate spontaneous sighs of exasperation from ones parents. “Why, can’t you be more like your sister, or
the neighbor’s kids?” Perhaps because, I
thrive on original thought, perhaps I don’t accept everything at face value,
nor do I buy into since we have always done it this way, it is the right
way. NO I did not accept the status of
normal much to my parent’s dismay, I was not bound to tradition, tradition does
not equal right. To answer why we do it
this way with because the rest of them do it this way is not a satisfactory
answer. Tradition has a place, and there
are some things to be said for it in certain avenue’s but as a spiritual
practice, tradition if not carefully tempered by wisdom and intelligence,
without proper study of one practice and how it relates to life, leads to very essence
of blind zealot lynch mob mentality.
Tolerance, acceptance and understanding should be the tools of ones
tempering, instead we find arrogance, bigotry, and self-righteousness leading
the fray. Who and what gives anyone the
right to impose one’s own moral beliefs on another person against their will? Having three daughters I see a example of this
way too often, if a lady is comfortable with their own sexuality, and decides
to dress in a way that makes them fell sexy, or boost their self-esteem who are
you oh prudish one to tear them down to your own man made image of modesty?? You
attitude is what is damaging the young ladies all over this world, they are
going under the knife, and doing things damaging to their bodies all in the
name of, what society says they should look like, an image personified by all
means of media. The perfect body type,
is a myth who among you have seen the blueprint of what we are supposed to look
like? The standard you should follow,
and the only one who matters is the person looking back at you from the mirror
mounted above the bathroom sink, you see in the morning when you first wake
up. We are all perfect within ourselves
and need no one’s approval on the way we look or act. Go forth be you, if you cannot find the real
you peel off all the layers of garbage that this world has tried to attach to
you and start to live life the way it was designed to be lived, a life tailored
by you and your dreams however silly they may seem to others and live it to the
fullest like every day was your last.
With these
ideals I searched out a new path, one in tune with the earth and nature the
things that allowed my existence to her I must answer for she brings forth the
substance of my life, the energy, the wonder a canvas full of new and exciting
things waiting to be discovered. I returned
to the old paths indeed, old as time itself where man walked with nature
instead of treading on top of it. So far
it has been a revitalizing venture that has renewed my hope for the future and
leached the weariness that life had become.
Blessed be
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