Twinkle twinkle little stars
We are all made of stardust. It sounds like a line from a poem, but there is some solid science behind this statement too: almost every element on Earth was formed at the heart of a star.
Next time you’re out gazing at stars twinkling in the night sky, spare a thought for the tumultuous reactions they play host to. It’s easy to forget that stars owe their light to the energy released by nuclear fusion reactions at their cores. These are the very same reactions which created chemical elements like carbon or iron - the building blocks which make up the world around us.
After the Big Bang, tiny particles bound together to form hydrogen and helium. As time went on, young stars formed when clouds of gas and dust gathered under the effect of gravity, heating up as they became denser. At the stars’ cores, bathed in temperatures of over 10 million degrees C, hydrogen and then helium nuclei fused to form heavier elements. A reaction known as nucleosynthesis.
This gives us the idea that the energy that makes up and dwells in
all matter is in us as well, this is why many say the magick comes from within
each of us, that is easier to understand once you realize we are made from the
same fabric of the rest of creation.
Magick is the manipulation of these elements within you and the nature
surrounding you, the tree, the earth, the animals, the plants and herbs we all
work with are closely related to us from a cosmic birth. It is this very connection I believe, that
gives us the connection we need to cause a reaction in all matter, and spirit
to commune with trees and animals is not far from communing with yourself or another
person, forget normal language, element calls unto element, the ability to recognize
the common makeup of all things around us.
Remember this next time you cast a circle and work a ritual that when
you are calling out to nature and the things of this world for help, or need
that you are calling on kindred matter, that you are related in a since to this
world and all that is within it. You
will see that once you understand this, it will begin to answer your call and
you will have greater influence upon the natural world.
Blessed be, PD